Freddie Mac Credit Smart, S1 This session incorporates 5 of the 12 FMCS modules to provide an in-depth understanding of the single most important asset – credit! It introduces credit and basic terminology, provides insight on how to establish and maintain a good credit history; the contents of a credit report is reviewed as well as consumer protection laws. It also helps the consumer to understand what lenders look for when determining creditworthiness. Finally, it touches on how to avoid credit traps, identify theft, and predatory lending practices.
Freddie Mac Credit Smart, S2 This session (Credit Scoring and Restoration) incorporates 2 of the 12 FMSC modules and focuses on understanding credit scoring from a borrower’s perspective and illustrates how consumer behavior affects credit scores. It also explains how to deal with difficulties and provides tips on how to restore impaired credit.
Freddie Mac Credit Smart, S3 This session (Goal Setting, Budgeting, and Planning for the Future) incorporates 3 of the 12 FMCS modules and focuses on the importance of developing a spending plan and wise spending habits. It seeks to explain the importance of goal setting to achieve financial objectives and participants go through the process of developing an actual plan to attain financial security
Freddie Mac Credit Smart, S4 This session (Becoming a Homeowner and Preserving Homeownership) incorporates 2 of the 12 FMCS modules and provides basic practical information on becoming a homeowner and how to prepare to obtain a mortgage and own a home. It also covers the latest module on preserving homeownership, which includes strategies for preparing for emergencies, maintaining and improving your home, and managing your home equity. It also includes a comprehensive section on alternatives to foreclosure.
Click here to register for one or all of these wonderful sessions